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Since 2016 we organize seminars and workshops in cooperation with the joint institution of the Berlin University of the Arts and the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music KLANGZEITORT. Participation and expertise of the participants and hierarchy low/free group processes are very important to us in order to discuss intersectional perspectives on art and music production. Every semester, at least two gather members dedicate themselves to a topic and invite students and non-students to work on it together.

2024/2025 Wintersemester Block seminar with Bertha Elena Artero Ponce & Stellan Veloce

hungry listening collective music making listening

In the seminar Gather:musicking we will engage theoretically and practically with collective music making and listening looking at various perspectives and positionalities.

Forms of resistance: Electronics and feminisms
2024 Summer Block seminar with Marieke Helmke & Lisa Simpson

2024 Block seminar Electronics

The praxis-focused seminar will combine hands-on instrument building techniques based on analog electronic circuitry with collective learning and artistic exchange: How can we challenge (binary) systems by experimenting with amplifiers, oscillators, feedback and circuit bending?

Soundscapes of institutional learning
Workshop at the UdK's Unlearning University initiative with Jakob*


Where is the access to one's own voice and how does it become audible?

Creative and non-hierarchical learning
Workshop at the UdK's Unlearning University initiative


In the workshop, three members of the feminist collective gather (Eli, Lucien and Jakob*) share their experiences with teaching that is critical of hierarchy and provide space to deal with open questions on the topic of learning.

Winter 2023/2024 with Hanna Grześkiewicz, Lucien Danzeisen and Evelyn Saylor


What is activism and what does it have to do with sound? How can we do activism with_in sound, or use sound with_in activism? How do we sonify public space_s? What role can sound and music in particular play in the transformation processes of our society?

Radio and Feminismus
Winter 2022/2023 with Stellan Veloce and Rosanna Lovell

Kate Donovan Radio Feminism

What can a feminist radio practice be, in terms of questions of content, technique, access? What do we send and what do we receive?

Gather 2
Summer 2022 with Lisa Rein, Stellan Veloce and Lucien Danzeisen

Sauen Improvisation Collective learning Sound experiments

For the block seminar Gather we spent three days together at the Sauen Gutshof from 7th July - 10th July of 2022.

Summer 2021 with Marta Forsberg, Cedrik Fermont and Mmakgosi Kgabi

For EXCHANGE we invited three guests working in the fields of music, sound and performance to share their feminist, post-colonial and intersectional art practices with us.

Gather 1
Fall 2020 with Stellan Veloce and Lucien Danzeisen

Reading Improv Gathering Skill-sharing Learning

Our initial plan was to spend 5 days at Gutshof Sauen: working together, skill-sharing, exchanging and developing ideas.

Winter 2019 with Evelyn Saylor

In the winter semester of 2019/20 we had our second reading seminar ReRead. We read and discussed these texts:

Summer 2019

In fall and winter 2018/19 we acknowledged: We want to become more familiar with feminist (art) theory and discuss it together.

Fall 2018 with Stellan Veloce, Rosanna Lovell, Evelyn Saylor, Lucien Danzeisen, Lea Aigner and Merle Krafeld

In the block seminar Play we developed a table-sized chamber concert hall in collaboration with a stage designer. Works by female composers of the 20th and 21st centuries, which we discussed in the previous semester (Archive), among others, were played over integrated boxes.

Summer 2018 with Lucien Danzeisen, Irene Kletschke, Kirsten Reese, Marc Sabat, Evelyn Saylor and Stellan Veloce

Who has access to archives, knowledge and materials? Who decides what is worth remembering and preserving? How do we find what we are looking for?

Zukunft Archiv

26 Oktober 2024 1-8 PM

Gather up! Symposium

Gather collective lädt zu einem Symposium teil, einem Ort der Begegnung, des Teilens und Generierens von Wissen. Wir möchten einen inklusiven Raum schaffen, der Lebendigkeit und Neugier schätzt und sich nicht-hierarchischen feministischen Ansätzen in Lehre, Lernen und künstlerischer Praxis widmet. Durch gemeinsames Bewegen, das Schaffen von Klängen, kollektives Denken und Zuhören möchten wir Barrieren überwinden, die bei der akademischen Wissensproduktion oft entstehen.

Universität der Künste Bundesallee 1-12, Berlin

For more Informations please click here!

23 October 2024, 17:00 to 20:00/ 16 and 17 November 2024, 11:00 to 17:00/ 25, 26 January 2025 11:00 to 17:00/ 29 January 17:00 to 20:00

Gather:musicking 2024/2025 WiSe Seminar

In the seminar Gather:musicking we will engage theoretically and practically with collective music making and listening looking at various perspectives and positionalities. Questions and registration:

Universität der Künste, Bundesallee 1-12, Berlin

For more Informations please click here!

Mon. 11 December 2023, 17:00 - 20:00

Creative and non-hierarchical learning - Workshop

In the workshop, three members of the feminist collective gather (Eli, Lucien and Jakob*) share their experiences with teaching that is critical of hierarchy and provide space to deal with open questions on the topic of learning.

Meeting in room 210 on the second floor of the Medienhaus, Grunewaldstr. 2-5, 10823 Berlin

For more Informations please click here!

Di 22. August 2023, 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Tania Rubio, composer: film screening and lecture – Präsentation

Film screening "Territory, Memory and Migration" and lecture "Biomusic, from animal communication to the creation of new music through the crossover between art, science and community" - in English / hybrid

Fasanenstraße 1B, Raum 322 UdK Berlin / Videokonferenz On-site: Free admission without registration. Online: Free registration is requested: gather[at]

For more Informations please click here!

11.07.2023 5 pm - 6 pm

#17 gather Radio mit Coco und Lu 88,4 MHz in Berlin and 90,7 MHz in Potsdam

For more Informations please click here!

Friday 21.04.23, 17:00 - 18:30

Guestlecture and Bookrelease

What does newly composed music sound like from the audience’s perspective? What do people value about their interactions with live contemporary classical music? And what can alternative formats or forms of audience participation bring to these experiences?

Location: Kleiner Vortragssaal, Bundesallee 1-12 10719 Berlin (barrier-free access)

For more Informations please click here!

Friday, 24.11.2017 3 pm - 6 pm


We invite Arnbjörg Marìa Danielsen and Marta Forsberg to discuss collectives and curation from a feminist perspective.

Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler, Room 515 Charlottenstr. 55, 10117 Berlin

For more Informations please click here!